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How Laser Therapy Can Eradicate Toenail Fungus

How Laser Therapy Can Eradicate Toenail Fungus

Here in Texas, we’re never too far away from sandal and open-toe shoe season. If toenail fungus and the yellow, thick, crusty nails it brings has you too embarrassed to show off your tootsies, now is the right time to start treatment. 

At the Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers offices in Arlington and Mansfield, Texas, our board-certified podiatrists use different types of treatments to combat the fungus, yeast, or mold that causes these fungal infections — including the innovative HyperBlue PLUS® laser system.

With the HyperBlue PLUS, our team eradicates nail fungus without harming the toenail or surrounding skin. Here’s a closer look at how this revolutionary laser system works and whether it’s right for you. 

Understanding toenail fungal infections

Your toenails are made of two types of proteins, called keratin: hard keratin and soft keratin. Toenail fungal infections, or onychomycosis, are caused by fungi called dermatophytes that use the keratin to live, grow, and multiply. 

Dermatophytes love warm, moist places, like sweaty socks and shoes, saunas, locker room floors, and showers. If they hitch a ride on your toes, they consume the keratin that makes up your nails. The debris that results is a crumbly residue, which is one of the most common signs of a fungal infection. 

Toenail fungal infections are highly contagious, and if you have especially sweaty feet, wear the wrong types of socks and shoes, or have a health condition that increases your risk of foot health issues, like a history of nail injury, psoriasis, a weakened immune system, circulation issues, or diabetes, you’re even more likely to develop an infection.    

How the HyperBlue PLUS laser system helps

The FDA-cleared HyperBlue PLUS laser system works by using specific wavelengths that penetrate through your toenail to kill the fungus that lives in the nail plate and surrounding tissue. 

Unlike traditional treatments, which include topical and oral antifungal medications, the HyperBlue PLUS laser targets fungus embedded in your nail beds beneath your toenail, which is hard to reach with other therapies. But you can rest easy knowing the laser doesn’t affect healthy nails or the surrounding tissues.

The HyperBlue PLUS laser treatment typically involves three sessions over eight weeks, though the number of sessions depends on each patient’s individual needs and may be useful in preventing future infections. The process is fast and easy, taking 10-30 minutes, and doesn’t cause any discomfort or side effects.  

Candidates for HyperBlue PLUS laser therapy

Treating toenail fungal infections isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, so the best way to learn which treatment is right for you is by scheduling a consultation with a provider at the Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers location nearest you. 

Your podiatrist reviews your medical history, discusses your symptoms, and conducts a physical evaluation to determine the right therapy for your fungal infection. They may also order additional lab tests to ensure the best treatment for your specific needs. 

Generally speaking, you may be a candidate for HyperBlue PLUS laser therapy if you:

Learn if laser therapy is right for you by contacting the Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers office of your choice. You may also request an appointment online at your convenience.  

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