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Do Bunions Resolve on Their Own?

Do Bunions Resolve on Their Own?

Having a bunion is no fun, and if you’re stuck with this small bony protrusion on the side of your foot, you know it can make daily tasks like walking or wearing shoes a pain. 

If you have one of these bony growths, you’re probably wondering if your bunion will go away on its own or if you need intervention from a medical provider. 

At Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers in Arlington and Mansfield, Texas, our board-certified providers have years of experience treating bunions, and we want to share that knowledge with you.  

We’ve put together this helpful guide to answer your top questions about bunions and give you insights on treatments for bunions, so take a moment to find out more. 

All about bunions

The metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint is at the base of your big toe, and when this joint gets compressed over time, it starts to move out of place. This causes your big toe to point in toward your other toes rather than straight out, resulting in a bunion. 

Bunions might not be noticeable at first, but with time, the pressure from standing and walking causes the joint to keep moving out of place. This leads to a bony protrusion that can become inflamed, swollen, red, and sensitive. 

Although anyone can get a bunion, some people have factors that put them at a greater risk of developing a bunion than others. Common factors that increase your chances of getting a bunion include: 

Other factors that can increase your risk for bunions include having arthritis, a history of a foot injury, or a history of trauma to the MTP joint.

Resolving bunions

The bad news is bunions don’t resolve on their own. The MTP joint can’t correct itself after it becomes deformed, making it essential to get treatment for bunions. When left untreated, bunions can lead to significant foot complications.

The bunion can cause irritation and inflammation in the fluid-filled sac that cushions your joints, called the bursa. This can trigger chronic inflammation, leading to the movement and inflammation of other joints. 

Hammertoes can also form if bunions are left untreated. This occurs when the pressure on your big toe joint forces it to slip under the second toe joint. The second toe then rises at the joint and no longer rests flat. 

Untreated bunions can lead to inflammation and pain in the ball of your foot. This pain concentrates in the area between your toes and the arch and is caused by bunions changing your gait and the shape of your foot.

What treatments help resolve bunion pain?

The good news is at Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers, we provide multiple different options for treating bunions. 

Depending on the severity of your bunion and other factors, you may find relief from nonsurgical interventions. If your bunion is severe, however, you may need bunion surgery. 

Your provider evaluates your foot and symptoms and discusses your lifestyle and medical history. They then develop a personalized bunion treatment plan, which may include:

If these treatments don’t help improve your bunions, your provider may recommend surgery. Candidates for surgery are generally people with significant foot pain that prevents and limits mobility, significant deformity, and chronic inflammation that doesn’t improve. 

If you have a bunion that needs treatment, don’t hesitate! Schedule an appointment online or over the phone at the Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers location nearest you.

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