5 Treatments for Tendon Pain

November is here and with it comes the start of the holiday season. Unfortunately, the pain, swelling, and irritation tendonitis causes can put an end to your holiday preparations and plans. The good news is that with effective treatment, you can end your tendon pain instead.
At Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers, our experienced providers specialize in helping patients alleviate tendon pain and stop it from starting by treating the underlying cause. At our offices in Arlington and Mansfield, Texas, we offer personalized treatment options for tendonitis based on your unique needs.
Take a moment to learn more about the cause of your tendon pain and five effective treatments that can help.
Understanding tendonitis
Your tendons are tough cords of collagen that connect your bones and muscles. They play an important role, helping your body move. But when a tendon is damaged or injured, you can develop tendonitis.
With tendonitis, you usually experience pain around the point where the affected tendon is attached to the associated bone, usually in a joint. Other symptoms of tendonitis include:
- Redness, swelling, or heat at the affected joint
- Grating or crackling sensations when you move
- Feeling a hard bump on the tendon
The pain that comes with tendonitis can interrupt your normal movements and activities for weeks or months. In fact, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 70,000 people miss work every year because of this painful condition.
While you can develop tendonitis, it’s more common as you get older. Repetitive motions, like those used in the ankle during tennis, can also trigger the condition. And starting a new activity at a high level, like starting long-distance running or hiking before you’re ready, can lead to tendonitis.
Treating tendonitis
If you suspect you may have tendonitis, you should schedule an evaluation with a trained medical expert. Your Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers provider examines your injured tendon to diagnose your condition and create a customized treatment plan based on the severity of your tendonitis and associated symptoms.
Sometimes tendonitis doesn’t require special treatment beyond taking steps to keep it from getting worse, like RICE therapy (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). However, if your symptoms don’t improve or if your tendonitis is more severe, the team can help with different treatments, including:
1. Bracing and orthotics
Your provider may give you bracing, like a splint, or orthotics to keep the area protected and to limit movement of the injured tendon. This allows the tendon to rest, which helps decrease inflammation and pain. Often, bracing and orthotics are used in conjunction with other treatments.
2. Medications
To help reduce your pain and address the swelling tendonitis causes, your provider may recommend anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen or naproxen. There are also topical anti-inflammatory creams and gels that can help minimize your pain.
3. Physical therapy
Your Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers provider may also recommend physical therapy. During physical therapy, you learn about therapeutic stretches to help your tendon heal and engage in specific exercises designed to help strengthen the muscles and reduce your risk of getting tendonitis in the future.
4. Stem cell injections
Regenerative medicine makes use of your body’s natural healing processes, giving them a boost to speed healing, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain. Stem cell injections are one type of effective regenerative medicine that works by triggering your body’s production of new tendon cells and tissues
5. Extracorporeal pulse activation technology (EPAT)
EPAT is an FDA-approved treatment that uses sound pressure waves into your injured tendon. The waves trigger your body’s healing response, increasing blood flow and anti-inflammatory factors that help new tendon tissue grow.
If you’re experiencing pain in your foot or ankle, contact a provider at Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers in Texas to learn if it’s tendonitis and what you can do about it. You can call the office most convenient to you to schedule or request an appointment online.
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