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5 Benefits of Wearing Supportive Flats

Women have long sacrificed comfort for fashion — especially when it comes to shoes! But wearing fashionable high heels can cause more than an evening of discomfort. They could cause permanent damage to your feet and toes.  

At Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers, we treat women of all ages in Arlington and Mansfield, Texas, suffering from progressive, pain-inducing foot problems that have their roots in the wrong footwear choice. Our board-certified podiatrists understand the desire to wear fashionable footwear, but we also know better than most of the problems associated with wearing the wrong type of shoes. 

We’ve put together this guide to help you better understand the importance of choosing the right footwear. Read on to learn five benefits of wearing supportive flats! 

1. Improve your posture

Good posture plays an important role in your overall health. That’s because your posture involves different body systems crucial to your wellness, such as your core and spine. When you stand, good posture involves evenly distributing your weight on the soles of both feet and retaining a neutral spine. 

High heels make good posture hard to attain as they change your body’s alignment and put pressure on the balls of your feet and toes. This forces the rest of your body to compensate, pushing your spine out of alignment. 

Supportive flats, on the other hand, make it easier to maintain good posture and avoid the abnormal wear and tear wearing the wrong shoes can bring. 

2. Avoid neuromas

Neuromas are an abnormal growth of nerve tissue that forms as a result of an irritated nerve in your foot. While any activity or foot problem that places pressure on the nerve can lead to a neuroma, footwear that places pressure on your toes is one of the most common causes. 

A neuroma can cause painful symptoms, including:

Wearing supportive flats alleviates the pressure that high heels or narrow-toed shoes places on the nerve and can help you stop a neuroma from developing.   

3. Avoid plantar fasciitis

Your feet have a thick band of tissue called the plantar fascia that attaches at the heel and toe and supports your arch. When the plantar fascia is irritated, you experience a painful condition called plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis usually results after the tissue is overstressed, which can happen for a number of reasons, including wearing unsupportive shoes and being on your feet all day. By choosing supportive flats, you provide your feet with the support they need and can avoid developing painful plantar fasciitis.  

4. Better stability 

At Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers, our podiatrists treat numerous patients who’ve injured their feet or ankles wearing heels. In fact, across the United States, thousands of high heel–related injuries happen each year. Wearing supportive flats instead of high heels increases your stability making it less likely that you’ll fall or twist your ankle. 

Supportive flats offer better stability when walking on almost all types of surfaces when compared with heels. What’s more? They help you maintain your stability no matter the weather as more of your foot remains on the ground rain or shine.  

5. No more swelling!

If you have less-than-perfect circulation and are used to seeing swollen, uncomfortable feet at the end of the day, supportive flats can help. High heels restrict blood circulation to your lower limbs, increasing your risk for varicose veins and ruptured veins. Supportive flats, on the other hand, evenly distribute your weight and keep your feet in the correct position to keep blood moving more evenly. 

By adding custom orthotics to your flats, the team at Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers can help further realign the structure of the foot and work to prevent future foot problems from developing. Our providers make a replica of your foot to ensure your orthotics fit you like a glove.  

Ready to learn more about choosing supportive footwear? Contact the Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Center nearest you or request an appointment online now!

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